Friday, 14 October 2016

Film Trailer - Horror

Chosen genre - Horror

I have chosen the genre horror as it is not too hard to create a low budget horror trailer as it requires little CGI for a low budget horror trailer, most of the conventions in a horror trailer are blood, dark atmosphere and isolation, the thrill of a horror trailer is not just done through the camera the music has a big role in the thrill of the trailer as it builds up tension for the audiences. There are lots of indie horror movies that can be taken as an style model with all the conventions on it and is on a low budget so it can be easily followed.

Film trailer


I have chosen to do a trailer for a movie, as I already have researched some trailers before and how they can impact the film's success. By having an interesting trailer that does not spoil the film attracts the audience as they will want to see what is going on, especially for an low budget trailer as they have little to no fan base.

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Prelim Music Video - Finished video

Prelim Music Video - Weakness

Weaknesses of the video

The weakness of our video would be the location where we mainly used the areas around the school to take our shots and it could of been improved with different locations that would of suited the location better, and the lip syncing was not good so it could of been improved with more practice, we could of also looked for better actors that can act and lip sync better.

We took a recording of the sky in the morning therefor it had no stars which can be improved upon by taking a picture of a night sky with stars which will fit in more into the music video.

Prelim Music Video - Strengths


For the strengths of our video we had good shots of the piano with different angles and found out which one was the most effective shot for our video and it suited the video well, also the effect suited the piano part making it look good.

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Prelim Music video - Chosen song

Chosen song - A sky full of star

We have chosen this song because the video had things that can be replicated quite easily as it uses some equipments that are already available to us, such as the piano as we had one in the school hall that was suitable for our music video. Also the lyrics could be matched with the video accordingly as it talks about the sky and for our video we took a picture of the sky so it suited, however one thing that could of been improved on the sky would be when its at night where it would be stars so it would be more suitable for song.

Prelim Music video - Location

Chosen locations

We have chosen the hall for because it had a piano that we needed in our video, and we did the outside sky for a part of the video but it could of been a night sky to improve our video as it will show stars and will match the prelim music video better and the other locations are done in the school.