Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Trailer conventions

Film title
Film tittles are always in the trailer in order to let the audience know what the film is called and so that they already have an interest in the film, the fonts for the title usually reflect the genre of the movie or the tone of the film. an example of this would be in a horror movie trailer the font would be dark and bleak.

Social media
A recent convention or film trailers is to add links to their social media accounts, this can be a link to their twitter or facebook and is used for people who have watched the trailer and wants to learn more about the film. social media is also used for in order to tell people about the trailer and when the film is coming out, spreading the word to millions of people on their websites.

Character introductions
A crucial feature of trailers is to introduce the characters in the movie to a unfamiliar audience this is essienctial for the film as the audience must be able to relate to the characters in the movie for example by showing a character have a realistic reaction to events in the movie grounds them and makes them more down to earth, additionally if a well known actor or actress is in the movie they will already have a fanbase and said fanbase would likely go and see their new movie this can also apply to directors.

Music and voice covers
Music is a big part of trailers as they show the genre, pace and sometimes even budget of the film for example a well known artist could be asked to produce a soundtrack for a movie and this would in turn let the audience know of the size of the movie and speicificly its budget this could then attract an audience that thinks that a bigger budget helps make a better movie although this is not always the case.

Voice actors